Insurance - New

It is compulsory for every student entering Malaysia to have a medical insurance. All international students must be covered by a locally purchased medical health insurance scheme. You will be insured from the date you enter Malaysia if you inform your institution of the date as soon as you arrive.

An international student, through his/her educational institution, can opt to either one of the following Medical Insurances offered by

    • Etiqa Family Takaful Berhad (EFTB)

    • Great Eastern Takaful Berhad (GETB)

    • The Pacific Insurance Berhad (TPIB)

The insurance package provided meets the minimum coverage requirements set out by the Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE).

Packages for International Students
(Insurance premium per annum in Ringgit Malaysia)
Plan 1
Maximum limit per annum RM20,000
Foreign Students Aged ≥ 16 but ≤ 64 RM468
Deductible amount per GP visit NA

Plan 2
Maximum limit per annum RM30,000
Foreign Students Aged ≥ 16 but ≤ 64 RM509
Deductible amount per GP visit NA

Plan 3
Maximum limit per annum RM50,000
Foreign Students Aged ≥ 16 but ≤ 64 RM578
Deductible amount per GP visit NA
Packages for International Students
(Insurance premium per annum in Ringgit Malaysia)
Maximum limit per disability RM20,000
Foreign Students Aged ≥ 16 but ≤ 70 RM475
Deductible amount per GP visit RM25

Maximum limit per disability RM30,000
Foreign Students Aged ≥ 16 but ≤ 70 RM574
Deductible amount per GP visit RM25

Maximum limit per disability RM50,000
Foreign Students Aged ≥ 16 but ≤ 70 RM672
Deductible amount per GP visit RM25

Education Malaysia Global Services (EMGS) manages and facilitates the visa application process for international students entering Malaysia, ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements imposed by the relevant government stakeholders. EMGS collaborated with Great Eastern Takaful Berhad (GETB) to provide takaful coverage in accordance with Immigration requirements, ensuring that international students are covered while they are in Malaysia. Through this collaboration, EMGS will receive 10% from the monthly takaful contributions as a platform service fee. No additional service charges or fees will be imposed on international students/Education Institutions for the takaful policies purchased through the EMGS online platform. For further details on takaful related information, student may refer to
Deductible for this product is per GP visit, and shall mean Takaful Operator will reimburse the total eligible expenses incurred for all insured benefits in excess of the Deductible, and subject to Overall Annual GP Limit.
Student A participated in Basic Plan, and visited to clinic, with total eligible claim expenses incurred of RM200.
  • Student A will be required to pay RM25 as deductible;
  • Takaful Operator will cover the remaining RM175;
  • After this claim, the remaining Overall annual GP Limit shall reduce to RM325 (i.e RM500 – RM175).
Subsequently, within same certificate/coverage year, Student A visited to clinic again, with total eligible claim expenses incurred of RM400.
  • Student A will be required to pay RM 25 as deductible;
  • Takaful Operator will cover up to RM325 only (i.e subject to remaining Overall annual GP Limit);
  • Remaining balance of RM50 will be borne by Student A;
  • After this claim, the Overall Annual GP Limit has exhausted for the certificate/coverage year. Overall Annual GP Limit will refresh in subsequent certificate/coverage year.

Great Eastern Takaful Berhad is a member of PIDM. The benefit(s) payable under eligible certificate/product is (are) protected by PIDM up to limits. Please refer to PIDM’s TIPS Brochure or contact Great Eastern Takaful Berhad or visit PIDM.

Packages for International Students
(Insurance premium per annum in Ringgit Malaysia)
Maximum limit per disability RM20,000
Foreign Students Aged ≥ 16 but ≤ 60 RM475
Deductible amount per outpatient visit RM25

Maximum limit per disability RM30,000
Foreign Students Aged ≥ 16 but ≤ 60 RM837
Deductible amount per outpatient visit RM50

Maximum limit per disability RM50,000
Foreign Students Aged ≥ 16 but ≤ 60 RM978
Deductible amount per outpatient visit RM50

If you participate in Plan EMGS200 with RM25.00 deductible, how it works?
You are required to pay RM25.00 of the eligible medical expenses incurred for each disability / outpatient visit. Insurer will pay the balance of the eligible expenses after deducting the first RM25.00
Example 1: Hospitalisation expenses
  • Assumed that the eligible hospitalisation expenses = RM8,500.00
  • Deductible amount per disability = RM25.00
  • Amount to be paid by you = RM25.00
  • Amount to be paid by Insurer = RM8,475.00 (RM8,500.00 – RM25.00)
Example 2: Outpatient expenses
  • Assumed that the eligible outpatient expenses = RM100.00
  • Deductible amount per outpatient visit = RM25.00
  • Amount to be paid by you = RM25.00
  • Amount to be paid by Insurer = RM75.00 (RM100.00 – RM25.00)


Education institutions in Malaysia are permitted to organize directly/indirectly with insurance companies to offer Medical and Health Insurance to international students, provided such Medical Insurance meets the requirements set out by the MOHE. In this case, kindly contact the institution for details regarding the packages offered and insurance premiums applicable.


Students are reminded that it is compulsory for them to have a valid medical insurance plan throughout the period of study. International students whose medical and health insurance cover period expires prior to the expiry of their existing student pass are required to top up/extend their insurance. This top up/extension should be sufficient to cover the period up to the expiry of their existing student pass or a maximum of 12 months from the insurance start date, whichever is lower.

Education Malaysia Global Services is a Company Limited by Guarantee (“CLBG”) under

the purview of the Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia

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